The environmental area of the lab is primarily used for wastewater analysis and contaminated site investigation techniques.
The Environmental and Hydraulics Laboratories are a joint-use facility shared by the Departments of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Technology. The Environmental Laboratory (SW3-1655) primarily specializes in wastewater analysis and contaminated site investigation techniques. Wastewater analysis capabilities include: total solids, suspended solids, turbidity, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia, free and combined chlorine, phosphates, sulfate, nitrate/nitrite, selected metals, total coliform and fecal coliform. Contaminated site investigation activities include support of Stage 1 to detailed site investigations covering: site history and identification to drilling and sampling. Current instrumentation includes a Geonics soil conductivity meter, water/product level meter, falling head test data logging pressure transducer and VOC detectors. The Hydraulic Laboratory (SW3-1640) has three channel flumes that are used for a wide range of fluid experiments ranging from basic fluid properties, closed conduit flow, open-channel flow and wave motion. In addition, there is a pump module, pelton turbine and a cavitation demonstration unit in the lab for experiments as well as in class demonstration purposes.
The environmental area of the lab is primarily used for wastewater analysis and contaminated site investigation techniques.
The lab has three flumes to demonstrate various hydraulic flow properties and phenomena. A configurable pipe demonstration wall is also being designed and constructed.
The Pelton turbine is used for determining torque, power and efficiency. The centrifugal pump allows students to gain exposure to its behaviour and operating characteristics. Data collected, through experimentation, will generate the characteristic curves for torque, speed, power and efficiency.